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"У време радикалних промена спремни да уче ће наследити Земљу, док учени налазе да су саврешено спремни за свет који више не постоји" Ерик Хофер

Међународна конференцији о технологијама, образовању и развоју у Валенсији (13th International Techn

Digital and online adult learning

"In times of radical change, ready to learn will inherit the Earth, while learned finds that they are perfectly equipped for a world that does not exist anymore" Erik Hofer

In the context of rapid technical and technological development, when the information system globalization and "knowledge economy" is expanding, the basic aspiration of man and the need for life and work in the 21st century, social inclusion and professional development, becomes a tendency for lifelong learning.

Under lifelong learning, basically, there are developed specific skills and competences that each individual must possess in order to provide active participation in the political, cultural, social and other syntagms of a democratically organized society as well as the realization of personal affinities in terms of determining quality of life.

Through the reference frameworks of key competencies for lifelong learning, which were brought by the Council of Europe and the European Parliament at the end of 2006, the capabilities of critical and analytical thinking, solving problems, making decisions, taking risks, initiating, the ability to communicate in different forms and the ability to learn independently, that is, to reaching information that enables the learning process and others.

In the correspondence with lifelong learning there is also a learning until the end of life that begins after formal education, which arises from the basic needs of the individual for carrying out certain јоbs according to the reference values ​​of the modern society and the need to get to the information or knowledge necessary for solving certain problems or passing certain decisions.

The importance of lifelong learning is also reflected in the rapid expansion of information technologies that provide rapid flow of information, which on the other side are equally fast obsolete. Knowledge of the functions of information systems, the conditions under which they are performed, the way of assessing the quality of information, understanding and decoding the basic messages transmitted through the information, as well as the ability to abstract realistic performances and courts, is a prerequisite for effective reflective integration of information into personal attitudes and decisions, which can be of life significance.

In the context of the sudden technical and technological development, it is unrealistic to expect complete control of information systems, and we have a massive spread of information and media messages created by incompetent faces who meaningfully or by accident send certain messages to the general public through social networks or through various existing or self-created portals, blogs and the like. Although there are many laws binding on the truthfulness, veracity and reliability as well as the quality of information communicated through the internet, it is impossible to establish absolute control so that each individual is expected to be educated, that is to possess information, computer and media literacy.

According to the curricula of teaching and learning in some past period, most of the adult population has not been able to develop these literacy and abilities and they represent the most indirectly vulnerable category, especially when considering ongoing media campaigns that take place through the media, as well as the needs of the labor market which is increasingly turning to the younger population, precisely because of their ability to work with information and using modern technologies for searching and finding information which implies the verification of information, their analysis and organization in a meaningful, productive and purposeful interpretation, in order to achieve their effectiveness, that is, to accomplish the tasks previously set and to solve the problem.

And not only in the work with computers and other contemporary information systems, the development of the mentioned literacy achieves equal importance in all parts of economic systems, through all sectors of economic development (agriculture, tourism, forestry, wood and mining industry, crafts ...), making that they are developed in accordance with the needs and requirements of the modern market.

The sudden changes in society, seen through the prism of effective employment of an individual in today's society, require a change in educational paradigms, that is, shifting the focus from the basic knowledge acquired during formal education to the development of skills, which is necessary for lifelong learning.

In the part of educating the adult population, institutional education is only partially achieved, that these tendencies for achieve more complex life goals, which arising from the learning process, most often achieved through process of self-education, with the individual independently choosing the elements of learning and independently creating the learning situation.

The most common form of adult education is online learning, which can be guided or self-educated. In the conditions of guided learning, adults have the opportunity to learn with the help of a mentor who creates material in accordance with his initial knowledge and skills, while in the conditions of self-educated, adults independently come to the materials which is the subject of learning.

In addition, we often hear the term in use "casual learning" that is used to denote learning based on everyday jobs and different situations in the life of an individual.

1.Digital material in the function of online adult learning

"There is nothing in the head that was not previously in the senses" F. Bekon

Digital learning refers to the use of various digital materials in the process of adult learning. In that sense, multimedia materials are of particular importance. Multimedia is a means of transmitting larger amounts of information through which provided a "multimedia experience". Multimedia is a combination of text, images, videos, sound and animation through a computer and represents the most commonly used source of knowledge, because it is consistent with all theories of adult education and learning.

A combination of two or more media is done so that they can be represented in digital form through a unique interface and controlled by a computer program.

Advantages in use

Nadrljanski and Vlahović emphasize that the application of multimedia in the learning process enables:

- individualization of the learning process,

- better reception of information (audibly and visually),

- unlimited repetition of given content,

- organization of a cooperative - interactive learning,

- managing the learning process,

- timely feedback,

- easier access to different sources of knowledge,

- possibility of easier insight into different views of one problem,

- improvement of quantum and quality of knowledge.

Modern multimedia tools enable learning through detection, simulation and inclusion of a larger number of senses. Their role is to facilitate the learning and teaching processes with their multimedia characteristics, that is, finding new knowledge by stimulating more different senses, thus achieving greater mental engagement and activity.

Versions of multimedia teaching tools

When it comes to multimedia teaching tools it means: educational-computer software, multimedia presentations, databases accessible through the internet and other social networks, interactive video materials and the like.

Using computer technologies, various multimedia teaching tools can be applied and developed:

Hypermedia is defined as a system of logically linked data or information, which can be given in the form of text, photos, videos and other, that is, the mutual interlinking of more related contents (units) through the connection or links, given in seemingly scattered, non-linear way. Under hypermedia is meant and an interactive program that incorporates information through several different media, so that they can be presented and used in many ways and in different combinations. Hipermediality can be accomplished by internal or external principle. Internal hypermediaity is when the connection or links are given within one content, and the external one when the connection or links point to content located at a single "location", in the computer or on the internet.

Hypertext is essentially the same as hypermedia, but with the difference that it relates to textual content and records, while hypermedia refers to video and audio recordings and various animations.

Multimedia presentation basically presents a presentation that includes various video, audio and textual content and animations. They can be given in the form of educational software or they are made by teachers on their own.

Computer animation represents the revival of static images or objects and everything else that is not alive. Digital-created animations on the computer can very faithfully present many phenomena and processes.

Simulations provide an opportunity to better understand of certain events in the immediate environment or the world, but they can also participate in solving certain situations (problems) or imitating situations in the real environment. It is important in cases where otherwise it would be risky, costly, time-consuming and spatially unfeasible, that the “student” learns from his own experience.

Interactive tutorials allow the learner to learn independently, gain knowledge and acquire new skills. The tutorial usually presents teaching materials (lection), followed by an assessment of the understanding of the presented material and if necessary, provides additional literature, contents, exercises, but also can be given to enable students to progress through the program or lessons to new topics. Also, interactive materials can be given in that way to enable students to progress through the program or lessons to new topics.

Interactive video materials such as the above mentioned tutorials contain additional materials for learning and clarification (text, graphics, animation, video ...), as well as materials for determining the understanding of the previously viewed.

Exercise programs enable the systematization or evaluation and self-evaluation of the acquired knowledge and skills. They are designed in such a way that when a student performs the task correctly, he receives feedback and a form of praise (text, sound), and when they miss the opportunity to try again. Also, in giving wrong answers, additional content, literature and the like can be given to them, which would remove their ambiguity or improve understanding of content.

Educational-computer software is a ready-made computer program designed for teaching use in order to raise the level and quality of learning, and encourage students to work individually. According to the ways in which the learning is organized with their application, as Nadrljanski says, they can be designed to teach by teaching, self-teaching, practicing or tutoring, finding or discovering, simulating or leading a “Socrates dialogue”. Nadrljanski has also provided one of the classifications of educational software: software for the development of skills and habits, software in the form of a curriculum, software in the form of programs for modeling different teaching situations, software in the form of a game program and software in the form of a self-education program.

Besides the aforementioned, there is a significant number of multimedia educational contents that provide learning and which are also in line with the principles of modern educational technology.

Better learning with the use of multimedia

What distinguishes multimedia resources and places them in a superior position is, according to Nadrljanski, that they provide:

- multiple sensory perception (the maximum mobilization of senses receives more diverse and richer signals, thus achieving easier learning and better memory),

- much better learns by words and pictures, than by words,

- it is better to learn through animation and spoken text, than if only drawing or printed text is used,

- it is better to learn when a multimedia message is presented in smaller entities,

- it is better to learn when unneeded material is turned off and when explanations, pictures and words are added next to each other.

When selecting multimedia content, must be taken care of the intellectual abilities of the adult, their style of learning, motivation and interests.

Multimedia content in the adult learning process can be applied in a virtual or real environment.

2. Online learning in purpose of lifelong learning

The most common form of adult education is online learning. The benefits of online learning are multiple:

- the individual chooses the learning content independently by selecting them according to personal interests and needs;

- independently selects the methods and techniques that correspond to its characteristics and ways of learning;

- access to different teaching contents and the possibility of individualizing the learning process;

- the process of learning takes place at a time that suits individuals, and it is able to adapt and regulate the tempo of work and learning, guided by the principles of rationalization and the economy of time and other relevant resources that are conditioned on her life and work;

- there are no physical limitations, so that it allows learning in the original reality, but also the possibility of learning when there are spatial and temporal constraints conditioned by distance, weather disasters or the existence of certain acute and chronic diseases, as well as disabilities that prevent active involvement of the individual in the learning process;

- unlike institutional education, there is the possibility of involving a large number of "students", which significantly reduces the financial costs, which saves the material goods of the individual and the society as a whole;

- ...

According to Matijevic, the basic lack of online adult learning, is that there is insufficient capacity for working with computers and other information technology. "How adults are educated at a time when the educational ideal was to know a book from cover to cover ... today prepare for functioning in a new media environment or how to train them to use these media for learning and acquiring new competences ..." (Matijević, 2004)

One of the disadvantages indirectly cited about online learning is a conformist approach to routine after formal education, which often acts demotivating, and the individual is hardly choosing to access online learning.

Terms in use

For online learning, different terms are often used: e-learning, distance learning, web-based learning, e-school, e- education, virtual learning and others.

Although online learning is often identified with e-learning and distance learning, it is possible to make a difference in conceptual terms. Distance learning for the first time occurs in the middle of 19th century, but real expansion is perceived only with the advent of the internet. In the past, there were correspondence schools, when communication between lecturers and pupils took place through mail and today the Internet is mainly used for this purpose.

Digital learning or e-learning means the use of computers in the teaching process and can be organized in a classroom in direct contact between lecturers and students. By definition, it relates to the process of transferring knowledge and skills electronically using appropriate computer software and environments in the learning process. Learning takes place through a web or computer in digital cabinets and classrooms, and content is transmitted over the internet, intranets, extranets, audio and video tapes ...

Online learning, in its simplest definition, represents learning with the use of information and communication technologies, where learning resources and a lecturer are available online. It basically involves interactivity, in terms of continuous two-way communication between users and "computers", which would mean that for each activity of the user, the "computer" reacts with new activity, that is, feedback. A lecturer or the most popular e-mentor or moderator of online learning is here to enable, monitor and direct the learning process using modern educational technologies. As education technology involves the organization, realization and verification of the teaching and learning process, it is the duty of the lecturer to design the most adequate solution on the principle that the learning process will take place in all its phases.

Online adult learning

Although online learning is based on information and communication technologies, it is basically based on respecting andragogical principles on which adult education is based. Moving within the framework of andragogical and technological aspects, the lecturer creates multimedia educational packages to pass the learning process from passive to an active process within lifelong learning.

In the organization of online learning, the process of identifying "learners" is the first and most important phase, from which later other elements of online learning arise. Through the identification phase, the essential characteristics of the learners in the learning process are determined, as well as the technical conditions that the student has to conduct online learning. On the basis of this, at a later stage, the selection of the learning system is carried out and it creates a complete scenario for the implementation of the training program. The scenario should include all stages of the learning process, including planned elements for controlling, monitoring and evaluating the work and progress of students, as well as controlling and evaluating online training for its further adaptation, modification and improvement.

According to some authors, there is a presumption that adults in the learning system can easily access the learning process because they are "self-motivated and self-directed, they tend to learn relevant knowledge in order to reach specific answers and are used to solving specific problems". (Malkom Nols)

In this regard, Jandrić and Livazović emphasize andragogical concepts which are of importance in the education of the adult population: "Adults need to know what and why they are learning some content, adults have to learn and best learn experientially, adults approach learning as problem solving, adults best and most effective learning when learning is directly related to the actualities of their reality."

Also, the approach of the lecturer is important, which must be positive and with significant respect for the adult's personality in the learning process. The negative attitude of the lecturer, based on misconceptions that elderly people find difficult to learn and do not have sufficient competence in dealing with information and communication technologies, can reduce the effectiveness of online learning and demotivate learners.

Systems for online learning

In technological sense, online learning is supported by various systems: Learning Management System (LMS), Course Management System (CMS), Learning Content Management System (LCMS), Managed Learning Environment (MLE), Learning Support System (LSS) or Learning Platform (LP) and others. The majority of these software packages are based on the web environment, while the attendees are referred to using regular web Browsers.

The most commonly used is the Learning Management System (LMS), which consists of modules that interconnect all forms of e-learning and enable automation and centralization of several aspects of learning. Its main characteristics are:

- tools for learning content and navigating through them, which enable gradual linking of learning content and easy movement through the knowledge space;

- knowledge testing is most often implemented through tests and quizzes for self-control and can include evaluation;

- authoring tools enable the storage of content for learning from the World Wide Web and their proper linking;

- different administrative data about the users and about the contents being learned are stored;

- enable communication through a computer that can be private and public, synchronous and asynchronous.

A good LMS should be standardized, that is, to support a Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM), which is a set of standards and rules for learning based on the Web.

Today, there are a large number of free Open Source LMS, among which are Moodle, Claroline, ATutor, ILIAS are commonly used, while among commercials versions there is WebCT, Blackboard and IntraLearn.

Thanks to its simplicity and flexibility, Moodle is currently the most popular open-source online learning system that supports the SCORM standard. The word Moodle is an acronym for:

• Modular - consists of smaller units or modules that can be easily changed, deleted or added;

• Object Oriented - in terms of a programming solution;

• Dynamic - variable and flexible;

• Learning - intended for learning;

• Environment - a complete and rounded system of functionalities.

The creator of Moodle is Martin Dougiamas from Australia. Moodle as a learning management system can be used to educate, train and develop students or employees. Characteristic functions of Moodle software is assign tasks, collect and view completed tasks, evaluate, forums, wiki, workshops, chat, download documents (files), record pages as pdf documents, online calendar, online announcements, online quizzes ... Developers can extend and add functionality to Moodle software using its free software license and modular structure.

Moodle is written in PHP. Moodle can be installed without modification on most operating systems (Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac OS), or on all operating systems that support PHP and databases. The database can be placed on MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server.

Self-online education

When it comes to self-education through online learning, open source educational portals with significant online learning resources are distinguished.

For example, one of the leading open educational resources is the OER Commons portal (, but equally important is the Learning Resource Exchange portal - LRE (

Significant e-resources are also e-books, encyclopedias, dictionaries and textbooks. Wikipedia ( ) is a free encyclopedia that associates write volunteers around the world. It encompasses a multitude of content from various fields of science, arts and culture. The online edition of the British Encyclopedia ( includes 32 parts of the encyclopedia, a dictionary, a synonyms dictionary, newspaper and magazine articles and a world atlas. Its disadvantage is that it is free only in the first seven days and in the later period it requires payment of membership. Of the other free web encyclopedias, vocabulary and e-library can also be distinguished Encyclopedia (, EOL (, Scholarpedia (, Wordsmith (https: //, Cambridge Dictionaries (, European portal (, Project Guttenberg (, The European Library ( and others.

Although in the conditions of independent online education, adults can find many difficulties and misunderstandings of content, which can be demotivated for further work and learning, but at the end, he is the one who decides about online learning modes.

3.Considerations in practical application

Guided online trainings are the most effective form of adult education. Unlike independent online education, where an individual can often encounter various obstacles and a "stumbling block", which can be demotivated for further work, guided training enables smooth and unimpeded acquisition of knowledge and skills development.

Educational - Creative Center Bor for seven years actively engaged in online adult training. The training is focused on improving the professional competences of educators, teachers and professional associates in preschool, elementary and high school. Among the 40 accredited online adult training programs, there is also the "Digital Stories and Fairy Tales" program, which I'm the author and moderator. The training program is geared to the development of digital competence of teachers and professional associates as well as other adult people who through organized training courses want to improve their personal skills and abilities in the application of audio and video production software.

Problems and needs for organizing adult education

A recognized problems and the needs for organizing educational online adult training, arises from the need to improve the teaching process in the conditions of education of young people. In order to conform to the teaching process with the current Laws and programs of teaching and learning, it was necessary to turn to adult education. Today's pupils who grow in the conditions of rapid technical and technological development require organization of teaching with active involvement in the learning process and the constant application of information-communication technologies.

The average age of the teaching staff ranges from 45 to 55 years, so it can be said that education at high school institutions was kept in conditions without computers. In addition to teaching staff, their parents play a significant role in the education process. Although parents are generatively widespread and among them there are even a "digital borns", there is a significant number of those who do not have enough knowledge and skills in the field of ICT application. In both cases as the most important factor that directly hindering the introduction of innovations into the educational system of young people, is ignorance of the basic functions of information systems, primarily of the conditions in which information transfer takes place between users and computers.

For this reason, many national-level campaigns have been introduced aimed at protecting internet users and suppressing cybercrime. In pursuit of the primary goals of the mentioned campaigns, thay often leads to intimidation of users and instead of stimulating the aspiration to personal development, improvement digital competencies and awareness of responsible use of information-communication technologies, the user retreats in front modern technologies and completely closes. In such situations, the older sends a clear message in the sense of prohibiting the use of ICT in the family and /or in school. This phenomenon is prevalent in the rural areas but it is not rare in urban areas.

On the other hand, there is a phenomenon which is related to the psychological characteristics of an adult in some cases, that is, an older individual do not want to admit that they don’t know, which is particularly pronounced in the areas where still dominant patriarchy as a form of the family ideal and does not apply exclusively to training in the application of modern technology, but in general in all segments of social activity that imply the learning process - self-education, qualification, retraining, lifelong learning ...

Also, significant factors are conformism in terms of doing certain jobs and living habits, demotivation for improvement and self-development, lack of self-confidence in their own skills and abilities, fear of failure, material insecurity ... which are placed an individual outside the educational system and hinder it in personal development and advancement.

With the development of society, the conditions of life and work change significantly. These changes have made the changes of legal frameworks and regulations in almost all sectors of social work, so that, in this respect, the individual loses the "excuse" and obtains "justification" for personal progress and learning. The individual now, with the application of new laws, becomes "forced" to acquire new knowledge and develop the skills necessary for professional development and socially conditioned existence.

The target group of training programs

Online training "Digital Stories and Fairy Tales " as a target group recognizes employees in educational institutions and youth education. In terms of professional designation, the largest number of participants among teachers, educators and another who through the training program acquire a strict professional competence to carry out to do their job in accordance with the current methodology of work and other scientific achievements in the field of education technologies. In addition, next to teachers, in a small but significant percentage, online training is attended by librarians, psychologists, pedagogues, defectologists ... employed in schools or other youth organizations.

Identification of participants in the training program

Participants online registration is done through the e-mail, so there is a presumption that the thay are uses the browser, thay can to enter a username and password or access the learning system independently and also uses e-mail to receive notifications and other news.

Identification of the participants is done through the initial task, which is basically aims to identify certain basic skills in handling the computer. The initial task of the learners expects to create (edit) their personal profile on the learning system, that is, set their own image and enter basic information about themselves through which they would present to other participants. Successfully realized zero assignment indicates that a participant is able to find the desired document in his / her computer and work on the system. The aforementioned assessments can not serve as basic indicators in the student's identification, but certainly thay provides significant information to moderator about the attendees which can direct him it to further organization of training.

Due to certain national, cultural, religious and other values, it often happens that students do not want to place their photo on the online learning system, so in that case it is necessary to evaluate it as part of further activities and most often through the forums of the first themes.

There are also situations where students refuse to write their first and last name on the online learning system.

In no case should the attendees be required to fulfill the conditions of the assignment which relate to the personal information. But, as no online training is closely linked to achieving the general and specific goals of the program, it is striving for global development idvidue in accepting innovation and training it for the safe use of information-communication technologies, for the purpose of lifelong learning and improvement of the quality of personal life, through the training program and most often within the forum is launching a discussion on the influence of contemporary technological achievements on the life and work of people. One of the examples mentioned in the discussion relates to the fact that there is more and more job vacancies, projects, donations and others that can only be applied through the internet, through direct conversation by video calls or through video biographies sent by e-mail.

Preparing participants for activities and work on the online system

An initial task is of particular importance in situations where the online learning program is joined by older people who do not have basic computer literacy, that is, the literacy necessary for smooth monitoring of content and work on the online system. In these situations, it is accessed by special training programs through which students are preparing for further work and activities during online learning. For this purpose, the most effective is a specially created video tutorial. When creating such material, we should never lose sight of the psychological characteristics of the elder in the process of learning and possible reactions. That specially created material should not be demotivating, which is why it is carefully produced. With the use of video tutorials, it is possible to display "personal" content to attendees, and actually teach them some basic skills in working with a computer, although we do not specify them. For example, a welcome video tutorial, through which the moderator presents the photographs of his class stored in a specific folder on a computer or personal blog accessible through the browser, can provide attendees basic and necessary knowledge of working with folders or search engines and in doing so he does not have to admit that he does not know, ask a question in connection with it or find out that the moderator knows that he does not have basic IT literacy.

Implementation of training programs

The training program is implemented through Moodle. The edited system is characterized by specially structured elements, which enable quick access to content and easy visibility. The working environment is organized into three parts, two lateral and central strips of the system.

The left sidebars is characterized by the control elements of the system, such as the administration of online training and the navigation panel which allows fast movement through the contents of the program. Within them, there are also specific elements that give participants a steady review of personal progress and achievements in a single or unified view of activity, with success statistics as well as time interval tapes in which they access specific content. In addition to the aforementioned review, there is also a list of enrolled students, through which attendees can achieve mutual interaction and cooperation during the training program.

As a special feature in the part of the navigation system, is the possibility of moving and approaching the online training courses, their content and created materials, even when attendees are not currently actively involved in the online learning process. The personal assistant parameters do not change ever.

In the right sidebar there are specially arranged blocks that give students an immediate overview of all activities on the online learning system. Important dates for inclusion in a particular activity or their performance are entered in Calendar, which are also displayed in Block of upcoming activities. The block of recent activities gives participants the opportunity to easily monitor the forum and attend the other participants in them.

In the central part there are contents that are directly related to the learning process. They are categorized through themes and successively complement, which enables better understanding and systematization. Content at the seminar is very important. Although they must have certain standards, we should never lose sight of the structure of the participants, that is, the contents must be placed in a way that is easily understood by the participants. On the other hand, the content must be so conceived and presented to suit different types of individuals in terms of learning. Lessons must be presented through text, images and video tutorials. They are often interactive and provide the ability to actively engage attendees in the learning process. It can be given in the form of interactive videos, interactive images, programmed material, quizzes, as well as various animations, simulations and the like.

Communication on the online learning system

Discussion forums are set within each topic and represent a form of communication on online training. Tema is started by a moderator or attendees of the online program and all active participants can be included in the discussion. The topics set by the moderator are mainly aimed at initiating discussion among the participants in order to exchange experiences, but also for the purpose of encouraging a more comprehensive overview of the content of lessons, while the themes that the students ask personally are more specific in terms of seeking specific answers regarding the contents of lessons, because of which the concept of the forum itself is often replaced and instead of the discussion, it has an educational character. Through the forums, the moderator frequently puts on additional educational materials, which are mostly video tutorials, but there are also textual content, images or web address and their goal is to eliminate all unclear which is related to the content of the lessons.

Except for discussion forums, communication takes place through private messages between participants and moderators or between online training participants themselves. One of the advantages of online training is the privacy of the attendees, which is why the elder usually decide on this type of learning. For this reason, private messages are of particular importance.

Evaluating the work and progress of the participants during the training program

The ending of the theme is marked by a test of knowledge and a practical assignment, through which the participants gain insight into their personal knowledge and skills. At the same time, they act motivating to the participants, strengthen their selfesteem, so they become a release in their application and their creativity comes to the fore, while the level of implementation and linking to a full productive content synthesis and evaluation is increased.

Namely, it is not unusual for participants to isolate and observe new content as a separate entity, while through the work on practical task they are recognize some previously acquired knowledge and understand the real simplicity in the application of certain software, so they approach them more openly, freer and more complete, with a desire for further learning and creating different products, seeking different approaches to solving one and the same problem and applying it in different forms of personal manifestation.

Tests of knowledge through the themes are designed to have a motivating role, rather than a realistic assessment of the acquired knowledge, while the final task is treated as the basic measure in the evaluation of the success and mastering of the content of the program. If the monitoring and evaluation of the student's work had to take place in the form of classroom assessment, the tests of knowledge and thematic tasks would be in the category of formative evaluation, and the final task in the form of summative evaluation, which is crucial for issuing a certificate on the online training program.

End of the training program

After the completion of the training program, the final meetings of online attendees are realized in several cities on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, so that the participants have the opportunity to personally meet with the authors, moderators and other participants in the training program and exchange experiences, opinions and products of their activities during the realization of online training. The presentation of personalized material as well as their publicity through Jutjub channels, blogs, social networks and other delivery systems is voluntary.

As the successful implementation of the training program, based especially on communication and continuous interaction with participants and among tham, which is developing significantly with the start of another topic, between the participants develop certain positive relationships, which often result in successful collaborations on joint projects and other jobs and after completing the online training program. One of the advantages of online training is that the participants choose programs themselves and the content they want to learn, so that they are on start determined according the same interests, which are recognized later during the realization of the program.

On the other hand, during the online training program, participants are facing the same challenges, so that they become support to each other. And it can be said that as a matter of positive atmosphere under the conditions of direct learning and under the conditions of online learning, it is equally important.

The final activity is crowned by the product of the entire engagement of participants during the training program. The existence of that product represents the personal satisfaction of every participant, and they with great pleasure and special pride talk about it and are glad to show it, because thet is something they created it themselves. Such a participant is motivated to continue selfinitiative access to online learning systems, independently exploring, acquiring new knowledge and developing new skills.

At the end of the training program participants receive Certificates of attendance training program, which in accreditation sense have full relevance in the institutions of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

The online learning system remains permanently open and participants are able to access the lessons and other content on the system again.

You can see some of the products of the participants' activities as well as their opinions about online training on the site . There is a written consent of the participants to display the material, although most of the material itself is publicly displayed.

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